Monday, December 30, 2019

How the women of Desperate Housewives are stereotyped and represented Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Furthermore, the character that Gabrielle plays is always at home and very few times is she not in the boudoir; nonetheless, when she out in the streets or at work, there are always men gazing at her body and almost every time she displays a lot of assurance. The confidence portrayed by Gabrielle creates the understanding that she is aware of the notion that every woman should look stunning for men. Resultantly, her character uses her good body and appearance to gratify the male gender and for her profession as a prosperous model, a career she took on since she was a teenager. Logically, Gabrielle’s career in the show exemplifies the contemporary typecast for females through bragging to her friends on how rewarding modeling is; however, any one watching the show would understand that she would not have amounted to anything with the attractive looks and body. Nonetheless, her profession and image of a sex object resemble and definitely, one would never work without the other because today, it is more of a belief that a model must have seductive looks in order to succeed in the business. We will write a custom essay sample on How the women of Desperate Housewives are stereotyped and represented or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Generally, Gabrielle illustrates the challenges that come with women having a successful profession relative to having good looks and a body with an attractive figure as a necessity for independence. On the other hand, Susan Mayer, the divorced mother also portrays the contemporary stereotype that it is more of a trend for women to get a divorce in this century. Susan seems independent and joyful but in real sense, it is devastating that her ex-husband had an affair, making it clear that she would do anything to get him back. In the twentieth century, women seemed puny and incompetent hence the oppression; concomitantly, these are traits reinforced in Desperate Housewives (Morgan 2007). Most of the time Susan turns out as a feeble character because of giving into her teenagers’ deceitful acts prompting her to long hours of crying after her impractical relationship fails. A strong single parent is a modern day typecast expressed by Susan, but it is clear that she lacks buoyancy and stability hence still holds the customary typecasts of women being dependent on men. Lynette is the true representation of the traditional typecast, being a mother that stays at home doing her chores and typically, anything that deals with the home economics. However, this is not the foundation of her character, as her original intentions were becoming a successful businessperson until her husband crushed her dreams by asking her to become the mother that is always at home (Cheryl 2014).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Role Of Monopolies And Restrictive Trade Practices Essay

(A CRITICAL ANALYSIS) BY: SUDHIR KUMAR DWIVEDI (Assistant Professor, Law) (Jaipur National University, Jaipur) E-mail: Mob. No. 09013456805, 07240503103 During economic reforms of 1990 it was observed that monopolies and restrictive trade practices (MRTP) has become outdated in context to international economic development relating to competition law and a new law which may reduce monopolies and promote competition , is required. After 1990s India witnessed a drastic increase in international trade law. During this period there was great increase in the volume and value of trade in goods and services, in cross border merger and acquisition (ME) and in foreign and direct investment. By passing of time restriction on foreign direct investment (FDI) were reduced. however Competition Act has come into force to replace Monopolies and restrictive trade practice (MRTP) Act ,1969. With effect from September 1, 2009 Government of India through ministry of external affairs notification repealed the MRTP Act. Enactment of competition law was with the purpose of providing a completion law which can meet and suits with changed economic demand of India and world. Keeping in mind these scenario the competition Act has been enacted with the purpose of providing a competition law regime that meets and suits the demands of theShow MoreRelatedSouth Africa Competition Policy Originates From The Regulation Of Monopolistic Conditions Act Essay1516 Words   |  7 Pages(Act No.96 of 1979) was introduced which was administered by the Competition Board. Amendment of the Act gave further power to the Competition Board, including the ability to not only eradicate new concentrations of economic power but also existing monopolies and oligopolies. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine Free Essays

In this essay I will look at nutritional medicine and naturopathy, and discuss how they have evolved into their present status. I will describe similarities and differences and address how history, culture and philosophy have shaped them. Nutritional medicine is the use of food and nutritional supplements to prevent and treat disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is based on the scientific study of nutrition, researching the nutritional content of food and how it con-tributes to optimal health. Nutrition is fundamental to health as it promotes wellbeing and decreases the risk of developing acute and chronic illnesses (Sardesai 2012, p. ). Naturopathy is a holistic healing system, focussing on natural agents (i. e. air, water, heat, food, herbs) and therapies (i. e. electrotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy) and excluding the use of drugs and surgery. The core principle is that all beings possess a Vital Force, the self-regulatory ability to heal which is supported and enhanced by naturopathic medicine (Sherwood 2005, pp. 156-158). From those descriptions it is obvious that nutritional medicine is an integral part of naturopathy. In fact, naturopathy considers proper nutrition and dietary routines important building blocks to health which are the foundations to prevention of disease and promotion of health (Lloyd 2009, p. 46). Appendix, table 1 identifies further similarities and differences between these two modalities. Principles for nutritional medicine and naturopathy can be traced back to ancient practices. Refer-ences for the use of food as medicine can be found in ancient medical texts of Egypt that describe the use of animal, vegetable and mineral substances as medicine to treat diseases (Di Stefano 2006, p. 5). Although the term naturopathy stems from the late 19th century, its philosophical beginnings can also be found in Egypt with the earliest written records of healing practices. The supernatural approach to medicine and the belief that disease is caused by angered gods, evil spirits or demons was characteristic for this period. Patients were treated holistically, both on a spiritual level including religious ritual, and on an empirical level by using food and medicinal plants with healing power (Seaton 2012, p. 2). Appendix, table 2 describes how this view on medicine, health and disease developed over time†¦. How to cite Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reflective Writing for Modern Language Journal-

Question: Discuss about theReflective Writing for Modern Language Journal. Answer: I implemented my semester learning in the activity and tried a different approach in introducing grammar to the student. I chose indirect method for teaching through various classroom activities. The students were not informed about the learning they were receiving. The process that I chose to provide teaching on grammar were writing examples in the board, took a video sessions and finally took a reading session. The video and the reading were inter-related and used the same tense. It was to get the students accustomed with the proper grammar. While using the based approach, instead of focusing on the structure, I worked on the function of the learning process. However, I set a proper language structure for the task. I provided those well structured questions and guidelines for answering the questions to the students that they need to follow. The topic that I chose for them was to the various methods of saving water. The student had to research to find through the resources available to them and provide their understanding in a compact answer format on the topic. They also had to find the consequences of water wastage and prescribe the efficient methods of utilizing water while reducing the wastage. They had to communicate the procedure to their classmates in the gropu conversation session. This curriculum will make the student actively participate in their daily life activities in order to come up with the answers. The learners are asked to follow the structure provided to them and answer the questions in present simple t ense. The real life communication technique that I followed for the teaching process was proposed by Krashen (1985, cited in Terrell, 1991). I agree with Krashens thought and believe that this is an effective way of teaching grammar to the student in order to build their basic conception. Furthermore, Krashen stated the limitations of explicit teaching that limits the course in writing or preparing speech. The real world communication method helps the student to exploit the usefulness of daily life conversation. This style of teaching is my favorite as it goes beyond the formal learning and makes it enjoyable for them. It is because the process of learning does not involve only reading or learning and the students learn most of the things unintentionally. Another benefit of this process comes from the involvement of culture which is an integral part of language. This process will help the students gathering more knowledge and ready for their future life. The content of the assignment 2a was the indirect application of grammar. I used the same structure for my activity and provided the structure to the student. The students followed the same structure for the completion of their academic work. As I mentioned earlier, this particular activity is my favorite because of its consideration of grammar and structure for academic context and develops students skills. Usefulness of these skills goes beyond the academic boundaries as the students can apply them on their social life. It enables the students to refer literature or use it for referencing anything they like in their life. However, it is limited due to its isolative nature and the students have to struggle synthesizing their learning (Christison Murray, 2014). The Assignment 2b was Humanistic approach that was negotiated by the students. Students psychological dimensions and intellectual abilities were developed through this assignment. The students had to use my structure in the Genre Approach directly to pattern my examples to initiate conversations in the group. The examples in indirect implication of grammar point were academic and contextualized. My goal of this activity was to introduce the students to the simple present tense. I addressed the issues of the process that are schematic structured conversations, ignorance of content and placing emphasis on features of the genre. These plays important role in distracting students and restrict them from discovering the actual message of the text and neglects other necessary skills required to produce content. It facilitates in reducing the creative thinking which will result in the reproduction of meaningless text in genre writing. I faced difficulties in the process of teaching regarding the distraction the students face due to their attempt in mastering specialized lexis and other meta-linguistic system for producing the genre. According to my opinion, this process is not the best way of teaching grammatical points. I can support my statement with various drawbacks of the process. Firstly, it does not allow the student to develop their linguistic resources as the focus of the process circulates around the context of the task (Widdiwson, 2003, cited in Ellis, 2014). Secondly, it does not have a grammar syllabus and does not states any process of correction from the feedback (Sheen, 2003, cited in Ellis, 2014). Thirdly, verbal communication is the only way of learning tenses in this activity that is not appropriate for the pre-intermediate students as they have accumulated only a little knowledge over English language. Lastly, the students might fail in the process of using grammatical point and the language tool. Moreover, it is pointless for them to perform a task which primarily depends on incidental learning instead of intentional learning (Ellis, 2014). Hence, according to my understanding, process of teaching grammar should be in relation to the context. Otherwise it might get mixed up and loose its fluency and hesitate in decision making. The structure is not the only concern as the structure might be known to the student. The concern is regarding the proper way of implementation that might be unknown to the student. The procedure of teaching should meet the students requirement that might both be academic and real life communication. The closed approach should be utilized for the everyday communication. It first language would be taught through real life situation. There are several other approaches like national functional, topic-based, task based approaches that teaches the process of using language in real life. The grammar is taught as a mean of communication and the activities use in the process are empirical in nature. According to my personal opinion, the group learning will be fruitful for enhancing the students learning and making them understand the weaknesses they hold. References: Christison, M. D. E. Murray (2014). What English language teachers need to know (volume III), Linguistic based curricula (pp. 83-152). Routledge: New York London Ellis, R. (2014). Taking the critics to task: the case for Task-Based teaching. Proceedings of CLaSIC. Retrieved from: Kim, M. (2007). Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing. Retrieved from: Terrell, T. D. (1991). The role of grammar instruction in a communicative approach. The Modern Language Journal, 75(1), 52-63.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Juvenile Drug Use Essays - Drug Culture, Psychiatric Diagnosis

Juvenile Drug Use A drug is a substance that alters the mind, body or both. Drug use is the increasing problem among teenagers in colleges today. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process (Shiromoto 5). During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there us a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. Drugs addiction among adolescents in turn lead to depression and suicide (Shiromoto 12). One of the most important reasons of teenage drug usage is peer pressure. Peer pressure makes drugs seem popular, makes you have a fear of being an outcast, and since everyone is doing it, it is the cool thing to doright? Wrong. Peer pressure represents social influences that effect adolescents, it can have a positive, or a negative effect, depending on person's social group and one can follow one path of the other. We are greatly influenced by the people around us. In today's colleges, drugs are very common; peer pressure usually is the reason for their usage ( 1). If the people in your social group use drugs, there will be pressure a direct or indirect pressure from them. A person may be offered to try drugs, which is direct pressure. Indirect pressure is when someone sees everyone around him using drugs and he might think that there is nothing wrong with using drugs. People might try drugs just to fit in the social norms, even if a person had no intentions of using drugs one might do it just to be considered cool by his friends. Today drugs are considered to be an acceptable social phenomenon by many teenagers. If parents are involved with children on a day-to-day basis, they will more than likely know when the child starts to take drugs because of the big changes going on in their lives. There are many positive alternatives to drugs, so drugs are not the only fun and cool things to do ( 2). Before children descend into drug addiction a whole array of signals normally appears, suggesting the family is in trouble. Few people are equipped to recognize these signs (Henican 181). Stresses of everyday living is just too great a burden to bear alone; they feel like they need a protective shell, that invisible physic capsule they can hide inside. Most high school students said that some time in their lives they have used alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. More than seventy one percent of high school students have tried cigarettes, forty two percent have smoked marijuana, twenty seven percent had a cigar, seven percent tried cocaine, and eighty percent had a drink of alcohol (Dryfoos 26). In today's colleges the availability and variety of drugs is widespread. There is a demand for drugs and the supply is plentiful. Since drugs are so easy accessible, a natural interest in them may develop. A person may hear about drugs experiences, on reactions of drug usage, such as Hey the weed that he sold us was cool, I got stoned man. This response will create a sense of curiosity and may convince the person to try drugs themselves. Many teenagers today believe that the first use of drugs is safe. However, although there is no instant addiction with the first try, teenagers tend to experiment further (Teen Drug Abuse 3). Soon a person could actively seek the euphoric effects of drugs. Drug addiction is the result of intense preoccupation with the dicer to experience the mental and bodily changes with drug use. The final and the most disastrous stage are when a person needs drugs in order to function adequately. Therefore, availability, curiosity, and experimentation could result in drug addiction among teenagers (Teen Drug Abuse 6). One of the most devastating side effects of drug addiction and abuse is depression. Depression is the

Sunday, November 24, 2019

5 things you need to remove from your resume and!

5 things you need to remove from your resume and! When writing your CV, your main goal should be to sell yourself. Why should this particular company pick you for the job? You should be highlighting significant aspects of your experience, and skills that prove you’re qualified to the job sector you’re applying to. Engaging a recruiter by using a clear structure that highlights your marketable skills is always the best way to approach the job seeker process. However, many candidates are adding unnecessary and overused elements that are diverting from the substance of their CV, and ruining their chances of success.Here are 5 things you need to remove from your CV if you want to the job.Clichà © phrasesPhrases like â€Å"I’m a perfectionist† or â€Å"I give 110%† are overused in resumes and CVs. These are bland statements that a recruiter has read hundreds of times before. Don’t blend into the crowd by using clichà ©s that don’t tell employers anything factual about you.Instead be spec ific in your detail by including industry-specific skills, market knowledge, IT proficiency, and real measurable achievements. Avoid buzzwords that are worn-out and unoriginal. Focus on what makes you and your experiences relevant and unique.LiesBending the truth might seem like an easy option to boost your CV but lies should be avoided at all costs. It will become obvious to a recruiter you have told white lies when you’re unable to back up your claims at an interview, and if found out during the recruitment process, you could find yourself removed from the shortlist.Avoid risking your opportunity by lying. If you don’t tick all the boxes required for a role, talk about how you could enhance this position with your transferable skills and unique experiences.Big paragraphsLarge paragraphs and big blocks of text are difficult to read and can result in a recruiter becoming bored as they scan for relevant information.Structure your CV in a way that breaks up the text, hig hlighting particular sections using bold headers and bullet points. Entice the recruiter to read further by presenting your marketable skills at first glance, rather than hiding significant detail in between other information.Don’t bury the lede, let them know right from the start that you’ll be an asset to their company.Structuring your CV correctly will facilitate the ease of reading and ensure more of the information is digested.Grammar and spelling errorsSpelling and grammar errors come across as a lack of attention to detail to a recruiter, and can even divert their attention away from the actual content of your CV.You can’t rely solely on spell checker so always double check before submitting your application and even get a third party to review on your behalf to avoid any huge mistakes.Typos can break the flow of information, leading to crucial details being lost.Logos and imagesImagery isn’t necessary for a CV. While images do catch a recruiterâ⠂¬â„¢s eye, it’s to the detriment of your CV.Profile pictures are never required in a resume as the decision of your suitability for a role should never be based on your looks. Avoid adding them at all costs. Also, any company or educational institute logos shouldn’t be incorporated. You have a limited amount of CV real estate so don’t waste this precious space on unnecessary features.Andrew Fennell is an experienced recruiter and founder of CV advice center StandOut CV. He is a regular contributor to sites such as CV Library, The Guardian, and Business Insider.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing stateless refugees Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managing stateless refugees - Assignment Example In Ireland, the number of people who may be considered stateless is unknown. The reality of statelessness therefore communicates the need to provide durable or more sustainable solutions. Again, the fact that the status of the stateless brings about the limitation of the rights and freedoms of the victims draws the need for this consideration. The sporadic distribution of the stateless and the withdrawal of human rights and freedom from this group of people affect the rest of the world. One of the causes of statelessness is the failure to ensure the registration of children at birth. The seriousness and of the matter is underscored by the fact that approximately 51 million births do not get registered every year. This statistical provision was availed by the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF. Again, there are laws and regulations that affect the registration of birth, marriage and the accordance of citizenship. For instance, in developing economies, one is not automatically considered a citizen by birth. Instead, it is important that the individual born in the country should have stayed in the country and been registered as a citizen, in order for him to be granted this status. There are instances where nationality is strictly premised upon descent. In this case, the descent of father is what is considered, instead of that of the mother. This is very limiting since there are instances in which single-parenting may limit the applicant of nationality. This is especially the case if the known single-parent is female. Political changes may also compel people out of their country. Cases of discrimination and human trafficking are also important since they may be instrumental in rendering one stateless. These two factors (discrimination and human trafficking) are clearly exemplified by the Kurds who have been systematically oppressed and denied citizenship by

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mohammed Ali Pasha three campaigns on Arabia, Greece and Syria to Essay

Mohammed Ali Pasha three campaigns on Arabia, Greece and Syria to Anatolia and how it affects him in the International Arena - Essay Example Many of the policies enacted were of benefit to the common person, while others were not. This paper will take a broad look at Egypt, before and after Mohammed Ali Pasha, and attempt to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of his reign throughout the region. Egypt before Muhammad Ali Egypt is rich with over 5,000 years of history. In retrospect, the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha is a small blip in time, as Egypt has seen many rulers come and go through the years. Beginning in the 1500’s, the Ottoman Empire stretched into Egypt. Prior to this, Cairo was the center of Egyptian civilization and the country was quite a powerful independent state. It yielded a great deal of influence in the region. This all changed, however, with the conquering of the city by the Ottoman army (Moshe 337). Prior to Muhammad Ali Pasha, Istanbul was, in essence, calling all of the shots for Egypt. Because of this, Arabic was not even the dominant language of the era. While the Ottoman Empire allowed Egypt to function as a sort of autonomous state with the Empire, the reality was that Egypt was not in firm control of its own destiny. This reality continued, largely unchecked, until the arrival of Ali Pasha in the early 19th century. It was during that time that Muhammad Ali Pasha immediately began to turn the army into a force that could keep the Ottoman Empire from dictating Egyptian affairs, while reinstituting many parts of Egyptian culture that had been lost. He actually became fixated on attempting to take over the entire Ottoman Empire himself. At this time, Ali Pasha began to shift the language back to Arabic from Turkish, and he began to institute a number of military and administrative reforms designed to create a technological Egypt moving forward (Colvin 258). Muhammad Ali as Ruler of Egypt As described, Egypt has a fascinating history. Perhaps, however, modern day Egypt can be said to have started with the rule of Mohammed Ali Pasha. Even though he was of Albanian d escent, he came to rule Egypt from 1805-1848. In fact, even after his reign, the family maintained a tight grip on the country until the Egyptian Revolution in 1952. This period of time in Egypt’s history was quite groundbreaking. Thanks to Ali Pasha, there were a great many reforms made to the military and economic structure of Egypt. In addition, his control over the country saw many cultural advances to take place as Egypt began to become a major player throughout the region, and, indeed, the world (Moshe 338). Prior to becoming the ruler of Egypt, Muhammad Ali Pasha was a soldier. Apparently, however, he was not just an average soldier, but was so good that he got noticed throughout Turkey and began to rise through the ranks. Upon settling in Egypt, he increased the technology used by the army in the country, and used that labor to also create new schools and to improve the infrastructure throughout the country. His most notable contribution in this area was to implement a network of irrigation projects that had previously been neglected (Moshe 339). He did all of this with minimal interference from the current Sultan. In fact, he rarely even consulted with the Sultan; rather he was so respected among the people that he set out on his own to accomplish these great feats. Upon reflection, it can be said that Muhammad Ali

Monday, November 18, 2019

Forensically investigating a security breach while balancing the need Research Paper - 1

Forensically investigating a security breach while balancing the need for business continuity and rapid return to normalcy within the organization - Research Paper Example Stuxnet attack exposes non-availability of mechanisms and procedures for evaluating security incidents in industrial settings (Dacer, Kargl, KÃ ¶nig & Valdes, 2014, p.62). Computer technologists are now focussing on structuring security mechanisms that assist to investigate hackers’ profiles while they are in headway, and forensic tools that assist to evaluate computer intrusion after they have transpired. By employing botnet detection tool, one can know about the information about the hacker. For instance, botsniffer and BotMiner tools are used to know about intrusion when they are in active stage (Filippoupolitis, Loukas & Kapetanakis 2014). The science which is used to recognise, evaluate, uphold, document and elucidating information and evidence from electronic and digital tools and it is intended to safeguard the privacy of the computer users from being attacked or exploited is known as computer forensics. Forensic experts have an onus to their client to show attention about the information and data to be identified that can become probable corroboration , particularly , it can acts as digital proof in investigation and can help to initiate legal action against attackers. Speed of the attack is directly associated with high level IT skill of the attacker. Further, a highly skilled attacker may leave no tracks or commit misstates as contrasted to not experienced attacker. Further, the tracks or traces left by the attacker will offer clue about the attacker. A well-experienced attacker will remove log files whereas a less experienced attacker may not delete log files (Filippoupolitis, Loukas & Kapetanakis 2014). By engaging a well-experienced external forensic investigator, a company can know the nature of the data exposure. External consultants like Ernst & Young (E&Y) can use their expertise to recover the deleted logs and files, is well-versed in the novel procedures employed by hackers, and is well-experienced in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of the Internet on Live Music

Impact of the Internet on Live Music Antà ©a H. E. L. GEORGHIOU   The Internet has killed live music and caused financial problems for musicians. Discuss. Society is confronted to a fast changing technological environment, especially with the Internet. Some claim that live music is on the decline, and that music industry and musicians suffer from financial problems. We will be discussing the negative, but also the positive aspects that has the Internet on live music and on the music industry. Firstly, it is a known fact that in comparison to the past, CDs sales are declining, and this is mostly due to the apparition of new media and to illegal music streaming and downloads online.[1] Despite this, online content also has advantages: many consumers, especially the younger population, use the Internet as a way to discover new music, although it is mostly done illegally. This discovery can be turned into revenue with legal streaming services. [2] The younger generation does not go in shops to find music anymore; the Internet is a more practical way to discover new artists, while staying at home. Services, such as Spotify, have been made available to stream music legally: free versions are run thanks to advertisements, and consumers can pay to not have them.[3] Consumers tend to download music in order to sample it, and if they like it, they may purchase it,[4] and maybe even go to concerts later on. This is also positive for live music; it is an effective advertisement in a way. Some debates were recently going on about Periscope, a mobile application that allows you to watch people live-streaming all over the world. It is said to have a negative impact on live music since people were live-streaming concerts for example. On the one hand, it is true, for people watching the performances are not paying, and people are streaming it without owning the rights to do so.[5] On the other hand, it can be a good way to make other people discover an artist, especially since it is available to see worldwide, including places where there may not be concert opportunities. From a financial point of view, illegal resources online do impact the industry and artists. However, new ways are found to improve these issues as much as possible. A successful example is Japan: in order for their disc industry to keep on selling, they developed an effective strategy; albums and singles come with unique features, special songs or additional content and bonuses. This strategy is working well because fans are ready to pay to get this additional content from their favourite artists.[6] The music industry in all its aspects has changed over the past years due to the Internet and the digitization of music. Nowadays, consumers want free access to music. It became an expectation and piracy is considered normal. Subscription models are now more and more used, allowing the consumers to pay in order to access a music library.[7] Streaming services ensure revenue to artists, labels, etc. Artists themselves can also release free songs through these in exchange of consumers loyalty. These services also prove to be useful for the evaluation of trends and popularity of songs. The Internet also offers opportunities for artists that other media dont provide. Artists can now interact with their fans on social media a lot of them do so -, and make their own advertisement directly to their fanbase. To conclude, despite having made illegal copying and downloading much easier, new technologies also offer new opportunities for the music industry. References Andersen, B. and Frenz, M. (2010). Dont blame the P2P file-sharers: the impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20(5). Fox, M. (2004). E-commerce Business Models for the Music Industry. Popular Music and Society, 27(2). Gopal, R., Bhattacharjee, S. and Sanders, G. (2006). Do Artists Benefit from Online Music Sharing?. The Journal of Business, 79(3). Miller, K. (2017). Japan overwhelmingly favors CDs to digital music. [online] Japan Today. Available at: Miller, K. (2017). Japan overwhelmingly favors CDs to digital music. [online] Japan Today. Available at: Peitz, M. and Waelbroeck, P. (2004). The Effect of Internet Piracy on CD Sales: Cross-Section Evidence. CESifo Working Paper Series, (1122). Pfanner, E. (2017). Music Industry Lures Casual Pirates to Legal Sites. [online] Available at: (2017). Is the music industry stuck between rock and a hard place? The role of the Internet and three possible scenarios. [online] Available at: The Guardian. (2017). Meerkat and Periscope are fun apps but beware the sting in the tail. [online] Available at: Us Weekly. (2017). Adele Calls Out Fan for Filming Her Concert: Enjoy It in Real Life!. [online] Available at: [1] Peitz, M. and Waelbroeck, P. (2004). The Effect of Internet Piracy on CD Sales: Cross-Section Evidence. CESifo Working Paper Series, (1122). [2] Andersen, B. and Frenz, M. (2010). Dont blame the P2P file-sharers: the impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20(5), pp.715-740. [3] Pfanner, E. (2017). Music Industry Lures Casual Pirates to Legal Sites. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. [4] Gopal, R., Bhattacharjee, S. and Sanders, G. (2006). Do Artists Benefit from Online Music Sharing?. The Journal of Business, 79(3), pp.1503-1533. [5] The Guardian. (2017). Meerkat and Periscope are fun apps but beware the sting in the tail. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. [6] Miller, K. (2017). Japan overwhelmingly favors CDs to digital music. [online] Japan Today. Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. [7] Fox, M. (2004). E-commerce Business Models for the Music Industry. Popular Music and Society, 27(2), pp.201-220.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Some agile teams hold a retrospective meeting once a week along with their daily project stand-up meetings. It is called â€Å"stand-up† because the meeting is essentially conducted with all the team members standing. The basic idea behind this is to keep the meeting as short as possible typically 15 minutes or lesser. During this meeting the team members discuss about the status of the project and the issues that they are facing. The weekly retrospective would help in identifying any process changes that are required immediately. As the completion time for the sprint nears, the time taken to discuss about process improvement for the current sprint decreases as improvements for the ongoing sprint has been discussed in the everyday stand-up meeting. This results in a better software product as the team is continuously working on improving its knowledge management process. Each retrospective has both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The qualitative part discusses the various team practices and the success of each. It also comprises the specific challenges that presented themselves during the iteration. Upon identification of the issues, root cause analysis is performed and potential corrective actions are discussed and recorded. The quantitative review gathers and reviews any metrics the team is using to measure its performance. Purpose An iteration retrospective is a reflective process. The iteration retrospective enables the team to reflect on the iteration just completed and derive new ideas for process improvement. This helps instill the spirit of continuous improvement or kaizen mind in the individuals and the team, and helps assure every iteration makes some small improvements in the processes. The Scrum Master plays an import... ...s an insight into the project from the perspective of each team member and make them realize that it’s the team that can make the change. A qualitative study can be done among companies employing the agile methodology about the effectiveness of the retrospective process. Interviews can be conducted with the scrum masters and certain important people within the team to elicit what kind of improvements they have seen in their projects due to the action items suggested in retrospective meetings. A major challenge facing most agile teams is how to keep the retrospective meetings fresh. A comparative study can be done among agile teams about the various retrospective techniques that they employ and how effective and interesting these techniques. This would give an insight into a plethora of ideas on conducting a retrospective that will never become boring and redundant.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Poetry Analysis: “Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God, For You” Essay

John Donne’s â€Å"Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God, For You† is an Italian sonnet written in iambic pentameter. The poem is about a man who is desperately pleading with his God to change him. He feels imprisoned by his own sinful nature and describes himself as betrothed to the â€Å"Enemy† of God, namely Satan. The speaker has a truly passionate longing to be absolutely faithful to his God, but at the same time is rendered hopeless by the reality that he cannot possibly achieve this on his own. In fact, he would have to be captured and completely made anew to ever find such faith. The entire poem is driven by this desperate longing for renewal. The speaker seems to start with a request that illustrates his despondency simply because of its harshness. (He requests to have his heart battered.-ln 1) As he continues in prayer, the character becomes more distraught. He explains his feelings of total helplessness in the simile found in line five, where he compares himself to an usurped town. By line eleven he has professed his deep-rooted love for his God and his awareness that he will never be faithful to this love unless he is torn and broken and then made new. In each breath released or word murmured by this character, the reader is perfectly aware that he is at the last of any strength he may have previously had. The speaker is quite aware that he is powerless on his own. He holds nothing back in this cry to his God for help, but instead is completely humbled by his sin. The words are full of a desperate longing to finally have a true, purely faithful love for his God. This desperation drives the entire poem from the very first word to the last. The primary technical device in this poem is the use of contradicting ideas, or paradoxes. The speaker consistently asks his God to grant him a request that can be gained only by going in what seems to be the opposite direction. He requests to be overthrown so that he may rise and stand (ln 3), and even more vividly to be ravished only so he can become chaste (ln 14). In nearly every sentence Donne writes, there is an example of such a paradox. The repetition of these opposing concepts makes the tone of desperation in the  speaker’s words easily detectable. A man has to be at his absolute end to ask that his God do more than simply seek to mend his wounds. The speaker declares in lines one and two that he would rather be battered. The fact that the voice of the speaker seems to be crying out these requests with no restraint proves that he is completely consumed by this need for the resulting faithfulness that is ensured. The words of the poem are harsh and severe. Their hard sound allows the reader to truly understand how weak and wounded the speaker feels. An imagery that touches the reader’s sense of feeling, both physically and emotionally, is illustrated predominantly throughout the verse. The words paint perfectly the horrible images of being imprisoned, broken, or ravished. The reader feels the pain that would be brought if these things actually occurred. At the same time the harsh words and images cause the reader to also identify with the emotional state the speaker has to be in to make such requests. Donne also uses other poetic devices that cause the reader to feel the words instead of simply reading them. For example, the alliteration in line four (break, blow, burn) brings with it the feeling of being knocked down or overthrown simply by its beating rhythm. The structure of the poem’s sentences also seems to stress the speaker’s current state more than the help that would be brought by his God intervening. Donne does this by placing these improved results in the middle of the sentences as subordinate clauses, causing the reader to give less emphasis to the possibilities for healing and focus more on the speaker’s current state of hopelessness. Donne’s poem is overall captivating, real, and moving. It stirs emotion inside of the readers and holds their attention with the harsh reality that this poem is the description of nearly all people who have faith. Though the phrase â€Å"three-personed God† is an allusion to the Christian triumvirate, anyone who is deep-rooted in their religion can relate to this desperate longing to be faithful to their God in a real and passionate way. Though hard to believe, most of those people probably feel that this poem was based on a passionate prayer from their very own heart.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Criticism of Our Faith in Science

Criticism of Our Faith in Science Every individual has a right to believe or not to believe. Faith is something subjective that related to all people independently. The authors of the article â€Å"Our faith in science† are Kirszner and Mandell who touch upon different issues, finally making an emphasis on ethics in science and application of ethical decision-making strategies to scientific researches. When the faith is questioned, it is necessary to ask monks for help while modern science is capable of escaping unethical decisions that can take human lives away.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Criticism of â€Å"Our Faith in Science† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article â€Å"Our faith in science† on behalf Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama XIV is taken from The Blair Reader (20o4) written by Kirszner and Mandell. Though this article seems to be realistic enough, it also lacks convergence. This source is written on be half of Tenzin Gyatso though the authors are Kirszner and Mandell. The authors start to write about the faith and his trips, proceed with explanation of positive consequences of meditation on bran functions, and conclude with analysis of contemporary scientific methods with regard to ethical decision-making. As the authors begin their story with mention of Tenzin Gyatso’s childhood: â€Å"As a child in Tibet, I was keenly curious about how things worked† (Kirszner Mandell, 2010, p. 527), the article resembles a letter to a friend. In this respect, Kirszner and Mandell make the readers feel confident about what they say and be sure about the veracity of their words. The article is full of inconsistent statements because the authors intended to compare incomparable concepts and apply some religious theories and meditation strategies to scientific innovations. For instance, the authors claim that Tenzin Gyatso was interested in observing the sky through the telescope and saw that there were shadows on the moon surface (Kirszner Mandell, 2010, p. 527). They approached this issue questioning the science instead of questioning Tenzin Gyatso’s own knowledge. â€Å"†¦this was contrary to the ancient version of cosmology I had been taught, which held that moon †¦ emitted its own light† (Kirszner Mandell, 2010, p. 527). As such, the authors do not try to find the truth but rather attempt to find explanation to why something does not correspond to what Tenzin Gyatso has been taught. The authors imply that scientific methods can help to prove the positive effect of Tenzin Gyatso’s practices in order to tell about this phenomenon to the international community.Advertising Looking for critical writing on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, tradition of meditating was introduced by the authors as a way toward â€Å"alleviating human suf fering† (Kirszner Mandell, 2010, p. 528) whereas scientific methods can simply support or refute this idea instead of making certain contribution to making the human lives better. Alternatively, the authors do not mention the positive effects of scientific innovations on human life in terms of manufacturing, farming, and healthcare. Scientific research methods are questioned by the authors with regard to moral thinking and empathy. Science should avoid emotions such as empathy; otherwise, no inventions would be made even when vitally needed. â€Å"†¦Our moral thinking simply has not been able to keep pace with speed of scientific advancement† (Kirszner Mandell, 2010, p. 529). In this respect, the authors start using the personal pronoun in plural form in order to identify Tenzin Gyatso with each and every reader. This approach can be analyzed as an attempt to persuade the audience in its own lack of moral thinking that lags behind the scientific progress. To sum up, the authors question the concepts of faith and tell about his childhood to gain the readers’ favor. Besides, Kirszner and Mandell spend many arguments on making people realize the positive effect of meditations whereas Tenzin Gyatso wants to reach collaboration between Buddhism and science. Finally, the authors question ethical decision-making with regard to advancement of scientific methods trying to persuade the readers that they have the same insight. References Kirszner, L., Mandell, S. (2004). The Blair Reader (5th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 527-529.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Universal Themes Essays

Universal Themes Essays Universal Themes Paper Universal Themes Paper Make a Copy Common themes All of life is connected Each life, no matter how small, matters Life is too brief Youth (innocence) and beauty do not last We dont appreciate what we have until it is gone Pride can blind us to the truth Small acts of kindness and/or generosity can have a tremendous effect Courage can reward those who push themselves Sometimes we learn too late what we need to know Social status, beauty, wealth, etc. Do not matter We learn through trial, hardship, or pain those lessons most valuable The individual is sometimes in conflict with society Individuals are often alienated and alone Agglomerations is a fierce inner force, but is often thwarted or delayed by o outside forces Fantasy is sometimes more real than everyday reality Mortality is inevitable Human beings are sometimes too weak or too blind to do what is right We often want what others have or we often want what we cannot have Fear, jealousy, and greed are destructive emotions People of all cultures and of all times are more alike than they are different Nature does not care about people Each of us is alone, often feeling small or frightened in the world Evil exists in the heart of men (and women) Power can be a compelling force Activity One: Now write a universal theme statement for these thematic sues actions What is truth? What is beauty? What is real? What is justice? What is honor? What is love? What does it mean to live a good life? What does it mean to be a hero? What does it mean to have courage? What does it mean to be a friend? Activity Two: From your blobs identify which of the themes above or below match your topic. Then, determine at least one rhetorical strategy used, and then, defend, shall Eng or qualify it. In other words, why is it important? Summarize your blob or article. Match to a theme State the rhetorical strategy Defend, challenge or qualify it More themes Value of technology in education Slavery Function of humor and humorists in society Daylight Savings Time Midwestern values Effects of a consumer culture Individual and conformity free speech effect of television on society environmental issues effect of adversity on ones character value of penny coins scientific research methods corporate advertising/sponsorship in schools national school curriculum intellectualisms effect of dissent in America Effect of advertising on society emigration ethics of rewarding charitable acts in school what museum artifacts represent value of muckrakers/whistle blowers rascals how fads reflect American values effect of money in society value/effect of personal opinion/commentary in society compulsory voting effect of reading on independent thought consumerism and advertising poverty the Mississippi River value of trial and error thinking cultural differences comm on sense and personal values protecting the environment morality cultural norms effect of entertainment on society admiration of birds in flight plagiarism in school effects of Civil War from Lincoln point of view childhood memories abuse of power appreciation for natural world/beauty man versus machine/technology selfsameness limitations of viewing the world through photographic images Activity three: Put these themes in a two column table and write the theme in the first column and an idea of your own original thought about the topic in the second. Value of Technology in Education Technology in education helps students keep up with the latest technology and prepare them for the work place. It also allows students to explore a topic deeply.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Health Care System, Its Components And Essential Functions & Essay

Health Care System, Its Components And Essential Functions & Activities Related To The Business Of Healthcare - Essay Example Health care operations includes any of the subsequent behaviors or actions of the enclosed body to the degree that the actions are connected to enclosed purposes, and any of the following behaviors of an planned health care display in which the enclosed body contributes: (1) Carrying out quality evaluation and upgrading actions, counting results assessment and expansion of clinical strategies, granted that the acquiring of generalizable information is not the most important reason of any studies ensuing from such behavior; population-based actions connecting to humanizing health or dropping health care expenses, procedure improvement, case administration and care organization, contacting of health care suppliers and patients with knowledge about dealing options; and connected purposes that do not comprise handling; (2) Assessing the capability or credentials of health care specializes, assessing practitioner and supplier presentation, health chart presentation, carrying out teaching programs in which students, apprentices, or practitioners in areas of health care study under management to put into practice or develop their ability as health care providers, education of non-health care professionals, authorization, certification, certifying, or credentialing a

Friday, November 1, 2019

Layers of Physical Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Layers of Physical Security - Essay Example The traditional security system is continuously being improved by technology and civilization. Further, the rise of new threats, for example, the risk of fear assaults and terrorism, raises the issue of upgrading existing frameworks of physical security. In the meantime, viable physical security ought to be in view of central standards which minimize the risk of dangers to physical security (Modi, Patel, Borisaniya, Patel, & Rajarajan, 2012). Since the traditional means of securing territories no longer hold, there must be an advancement in the forms of security with the utilization of technology. Since physical security takes various layers, the advancement of cutting-edge physical security ought to incorporate these layers which entail building security, grounds security, access control frameworks, and border security (Newman, 2001). The present-day physical security is inconceivable without the wide usage of technological advancements, which has been found to increase significantly the dependability of advanced security frameworks and minimize threats to the physical security framework. Then again, innovations frequently confront new dangers that fortify the more extensive implementation of new technologies, but the primary point in the advancement of a powerful physical security framework is the improvement of numerous layers of physical security (Modi et al., 2012).

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CRITICAL ANALYSIS on THE SHAWL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRITICAL ANALYSIS on THE SHAWL - Essay Example As the story develops, the reader is compelled to ask several questions. How does Rosa tolerate the sight of her daughter in pain? Why did Rosa think that her daughter would die very soon? What is the significance of â€Å"the shawl† in the eyes of the narrator? While attempting to answer these questions, one will learn that Rosa is obsessed with her past. The description of her situation at the start of the story explains why her daughter, Magda, is suffering and why Rosa cannot be of any help to her own child. They are all captives of the concentration camp, cold, exhausted and starved. They live in â€Å"a place without pity† where even struggling to acquire the basic necessities can cause them death penalty. Being only fifteen months old, her daughter was not getting the nourishment she needed from her mother. She struggles to suck milk from her mother’s breast but gets nothing in return except the feel of the dry and cracked surface. She eventually takes ple asure in suckling on her mother’s shawl which tastes like cinnamon and almond. ... In the story, the reader finds several instances where the narrator vividly conveys the unspeakable atrocities that occurred in the concentration camp. The sights and the smells of terror are muddled up together in â€Å"the coldness of hell†: Stella, cold, cold, the coldness of hell. How they walked on the roads together, Rosa with Magda curled up between sore breasts, Magda wound up the shawl. Sometimes Stella carried Magda. But she was jealous of Magda. A thin girl of fourteen, too small, with thin breasts of her own, Stella wanted to be wrapped in a shawl, hidden away, asleep, rocked by the march, a baby, a round infant in arms. Stella’s desire for the baby’s shawl leads to Magda’s death. Ozick’s abundant use of symbolism allows the reader to envision the setting. She refers to the baby as angel throughout the novel; "smooth feathers of hair nearly as yellow as the Star sewn into Rosa's coat" and as "someone who is already a floating angel". Whe n her shawl is taken away from her by Stella, Magda suddenly begins to cry and wobbles out into the yard where she is picked up by a guard and thrown on the electrified fence to meet her death. The story reaches its climax through the flat character, Stella, who remains cold and cruel till the end because, being a child herself, she does not recognize the sentiments of the others, except satisfying her own need. Cynthia Ozick uses figurative language masterfully in her work The Shawl. She believes that such language is critical for literature understanding. The story is noteworthy because of its meticulous control over the view point. It requires great attention, as the details appear to be filtered through the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Roles in the Courtroom Essay Example for Free

Roles in the Courtroom Essay Everyone has been in or seen a courtroom. If not personally, they have definitely seen one on television. Shows like Law Order and the First 48 gives the generalization of how a criminal is caught, brought to justice and it’s done all within one hour. Then there are civil court shows like Judge Judy and Judge Mathis, where you can see what actually happens in a court of law when someone is sued. All in all, when you watch these shows you never get the full effect of the roles each person in a courtroom plays to bring a person to justice. Some roles are more important than others, but people like Bailiffs, Judges or even Jurors all share an amount of responsibility in making sure that justice is served. In any courtroom you will see a Bailiff, Prosecutor, Defense Attorney, and a Judge. The Bailiff is usually a sheriff or a high- ranking police officer. Their presence alone keeps order in the courtroom amongst the audience all the way to the judge. A Bailiff’s role is simple. They swear in witnesses and they also play the go between man with the judge and jury. They call court to order and announce when the Judge enters the room. Their role is minimal but important still in its own way. Next are the Defense Attorney and the Prosecution whose duties and responsibilities are basically the same. They must gather and present evidence to the jury to discredit or give reasonable doubt that a crime was or wasn’t committed. The Defense is there to advice his client on the right plea to take. He is also there to make sure his client understands what is going on and make sure his client gets a fair and speedy trial. Other than that their duties are the same. They both are there to discredit the other. They both participate in jury selection and establish witnesses that will benefit their case. Both are responsible for presenting their case to the Judge and Jury, but if the case never reaches a trial it’s usually due to both sides plea-bargaining. This is ultimately the Judges decision but is usually the reason why some cases don’t go to trial. The Judge has a key role in the criminal justice system. He is elected into office by his peers and is ultimately the last person to make any decision in regards to a case. Although they don’t say much a Judge has a lot of duties and responsibilities and is one of the most important people needed in a courtroom. They are there from start to finish in any case. At the preliminary hearing they are responsible for making sure the accused is aware of their rights, they enter a plea of either guilty, not guilty or no contest, and the Judge also sets the bail. During the trial they decide what evidence will be allowed. Their understanding of the law is important when keeping order and how the court proceedings will be handled. During the trial the judge makes sure the accused rights aren’t violated. The Judge also makes sure that the jury understands what a person is charged with whether it is First –degree or second-degree murder. It is the Judges responsibility to make sure the Jury knows the difference. Last but not least they have control over the sentencing. This is the most important part aside from the Jury decision on whether or not the accused is guilty. Although The Judge’s role and responsibility seems to be the most important in the court, it is the role and respon sibility of the Jury that is needed more than anything. Everyone has the right to a trial by an â€Å"impartial† jury, which means that the trial will be fair. To be fair, some believe a person must be tried amongst a group of one’s peers. This means that they are from the same community/area. Sex, race and ethnicity have no bearings in any case, as far as jury selection. Jury’s bring diversity, different perspectives and views. It is up to the Defense and the Prosecution to make sure the right people are chosen, and that they will be more in favor of their case when presented in court. This is why Juror’s must go through a jury selection. People who will be beneficial to either the Prosecutions or Defenses case are kept and those who appear to have no bearings on the case aren’t selected. Once on the Jury they are given instructions by the judge on how the case will go, what they are to listen for, and what a person is charged with. Then they listen to the case and they are to determine if the accused i s responsible for their actions by a reasonable doubt. Meaning if there is any doubt in their mind that the accused is innocent, then the doubt is placed, and either they must be convicted of a lesser crime or the case must be dismissed period. All the evidence and witnesses presented in court is done with wondering how the jury will perceive it. Their impression on the evidence has the greatest impact and is ultimately what will determine the fate of the accused in all cases. That is why it is important that the Judge gives the verdict choices to the Jury and that he makes sure that the Jury understands them when they go to deliberate. They then return and give their verdict of guilty, not guilty to the offense the accused was charged or to a lesser charge period. Anyone can see that the Jury is important in any court proceedings. Jury’s will always have a key role in the court system and their role is most important. There are many roles and responsibilities in the court system. There are bailiffs, prosecutors, defense attorneys but the most important is the jury. Their roles and responsibilities are important and are needed to ensure that the criminal court system is run appropriately. That is why there is so much put into jury selection. They are the deciding factor in determining how long a person will be spending of their life in jail.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Embodied Ideology Walpoles Expression Through Characters in Castle of

Embodied Ideology: Walpole's Expression Through Characters The description of the eighteenth century gothic as ?a confused and contradictory form, ambivalent or unsure about its own aims and implications? (Kilgour 5) is an entirely fitting one for Otranto - especially with regard to domestic and gender ideology. Valdine Clemens tells us that at the time of Otranto?s publication, ?cultural conditions [?] were highly repressive for women? (31). Women were vulnerable and defenseless, unable to exercise control in most areas of their lives. Men were allowed to control where their children went to school, where they worked, and to whom they got married ? all without any input from their mother. As well, it was much easier for a man to divorce his wife than for a woman to divorce her husband. Clemens cites Lawrence Stone to give us just such an example of the inequalities women had to suffer: [?] a Lady with numerous aristocratic connections sued for divorce from her husband, who ?had been unfaithful to her on their wedding night, had debauched all the maidservants in the house, had given his wife venereal disease, and was constantly drunk.? Her application was defeated after considerable parliamentary debate on the grounds that ?divorce by act of Parliament had traditionally been restricted to husbands, except when there were peculiarly aggravating circumstances like incest.? (34) Walpole?s novel can be seen as having a feminine bias and being subversive of these social norms. There is, however, evidence that supports a conservative ideology as well. This makes it particularly difficult to give a definitive answer to the long-debated question of whether or not Walpole was trying to be conservative or subversive of societal nor... ...ranto and subsequent revelation of authorship points to a conflicting desire to circulate and to not circulate his work at the same time. It is not improbable that Walpole was also unsure about what he wanted the implications of his novel to be. Like the incongruous and ambiguous nature of the gothic (discussed in IncongruousCorpus), Walpole himself was ?unsure about [his] own aims?, whatever his views on society were. Works Cited Clemens, Valdine. The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien. New York: SUNY P, 1999. Ellis, Kate Ferguson. The Contested Castle. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1989. Kilgour, Maggie. The Rise of the Gothic Novel. London: Routledge, 1995. Marcie Frank. ?Horace Walpole?s Family Romances.? Modern Philology 100 (2003): 417-35. Walpole, Horace. The Castle of Otranto. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Vioxx and Merck & Co. Essay -- essays research papers

Vioxx/Merck Summary The painkiller Vioxx was introduced in 1999 by Merck & Co. It has been used by over 20 million Americans since it was put on the market. Vioxx remained on the market for approximately five years without adequate warnings about its risks. In September of 2004, Merck took Vioxx off the market after a study revealed that it doubled the risk of heart attack or stroke for patients that used it for more than 18 months. Although Merck claimed that they had no idea of these possibly lethal side effects, some internal documents imply that they had been aware of the problem for years and had not made moves to change it. Over 300 lawsuits have been filed against Merck, and it is expected that thousands more will arise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Further studies were conducted on the drug, but Merck adamantly fought Vioxx findings. Even thou Merck funded and agreed with the design of the study, it publicly discredited its findings. Other reports showed that in older patients, Vioxx made no provide as much protection as it is expected to. One study links Vioxx to 88,000 to140,000 cases of heart disease. Most of this information had been kept private for quite a long time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite the obvious health risks, in February of 2005, government advisers concluded that the benefits of Vioxx outweighed the dangers and that it was the patients decision whether or not to keep using the drugs. They stated that the prescription products should ... Vioxx and Merck & Co. Essay -- essays research papers Vioxx/Merck Summary The painkiller Vioxx was introduced in 1999 by Merck & Co. It has been used by over 20 million Americans since it was put on the market. Vioxx remained on the market for approximately five years without adequate warnings about its risks. In September of 2004, Merck took Vioxx off the market after a study revealed that it doubled the risk of heart attack or stroke for patients that used it for more than 18 months. Although Merck claimed that they had no idea of these possibly lethal side effects, some internal documents imply that they had been aware of the problem for years and had not made moves to change it. Over 300 lawsuits have been filed against Merck, and it is expected that thousands more will arise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Further studies were conducted on the drug, but Merck adamantly fought Vioxx findings. Even thou Merck funded and agreed with the design of the study, it publicly discredited its findings. Other reports showed that in older patients, Vioxx made no provide as much protection as it is expected to. One study links Vioxx to 88,000 to140,000 cases of heart disease. Most of this information had been kept private for quite a long time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite the obvious health risks, in February of 2005, government advisers concluded that the benefits of Vioxx outweighed the dangers and that it was the patients decision whether or not to keep using the drugs. They stated that the prescription products should ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sexual Stereotypes In Advertising

A stereotype is a standardized character, of appearance or lifestyle which people expect. For example most people if asked to describe a ‘Super Hero' would reply with, ‘strong, tall, brave and good looking,' but is this always the case? Therefore sexual stereotypes are about how people expect a person to look or act because of their gender. Men are thought of as successful businessmen in suits and striped shirts, which is a sign of wealth. In some cases the male is seen as the father figure in a family of four, but in both of these cases his is attractive to the opposite sex. Young boys are often cheeky and mischievous, they tend to wear blue as it is though of as a ‘boy's' colour. In the majority of cases they are portrayed as been sporty and even from this early age show a keen interest in cars. In advertising, a woman is seen as the mother of a family who does all of the housework and cooking for the other members of the family. They wear purple or pastel blue, which brings across the message that they are soft and feminine. If they are acting the housewife they are usually slim, attractive and extremely good-looking. The reason for this is that the company will try and sell the product using a ‘sex appeal' method which can be very effective. If this is the case, bright, bold colours such as red and pink are used so that the model stands out. Little girls are often portrayed as cute and gentle, so that viewers get emotional when they are watching. In most cases they are dresses in a pink dress, with a doll and their hair is styled into little curls. I have decided to use three ‘OXO' advertisements, which are advertising gravy to show how different sexes are addressed in different circumstances. In the first advertisement a women is cooking in a kitchen with a big grin on her face, this suggests that she is happy with what she is doing and feels at ‘home' with cooking. She is wearing a light purple top, the reason for this is that it helps the bright colours of the ‘OXO' logo to stand out. The young girl who is most probably the lady's daughter is helping her mother happily and brings across the message that she will one day become the mother and cook for her own family. Finally the little boy is watching his mother but not taking any part in the cooking. He has a big smile on his face, as he waits for his lunch to be made. The fact that he is not helping is significant because this is the case in most advertisements that include males and cooking. On the whole this is a stereotypical advertisement with the mother cooking the dinner and the male not taking part. The text in the advert is emboldened and bright, this is so that the logo stands out and if someone has a quick glance at the poster the logo is the image that will stay in their mind. The second advertisement is different from the first for the simple fact that this time it is the farther in the kitchen not the mother. The father has done the cooking for his two sons but he has made a mess, this shows that most people have the idea then men can not cook but women can and this is another stereotypical idea which is obviously not true at all. The two sons are looking at their father in disgust and as most likely thinking, ‘What will mum do?' The advertisement shows that even though the father does not know how to cook he still knows that ‘OXO' is the best and if a man who can not cook knows this, its obvious to a woman who can cook that ‘OXO' is the best gravy to use. There is no ‘OXO' logo on this advertisement and I think that is because it is a ‘still' from a television advertisement unlike the first which was a poster. The third and final ‘OXO' advertisement uses both male and female characters. It contains a stereotypical image of a women who has done the cooking and serving the food to the other three family members two of which are male and are sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. The father figure, in the scene is just reading his newspaper and the fact that he is doing nothing else is a stereotypical idea of a father waiting for his dinner. All of the family is smiling as they receive their dinner and this is because they are about to receive ‘OXO' gravy, which brings across the message that it is good. The way in which the advertisement uses both male and female characters in a stereotypical form is important because it sets a common family scene and people think that it also applies to their family. On the whole all three of the advertisements used both male and female characters and I think that is because the product is for both sexes but I also think that even though this is the case women are still portrayed as the cook. There are some adverts, which use only male models, and these usually advertise products such as cars, aftershave, DIY products and shaving equipment. One example of an advert, which uses just a male character, is advertising Hugo Boss Aftershave. The man in the advert is brought across as a successful businessman and we can tell this by the way he dresses. I think that the striped shirt, which he is wearing, is a sign of wealth and success. The man's hands are clean and his nails have been professionally manicured which suggests to me that he has a surplus of money. He is holding a file-fax in his hands, which would mean that he, is heading for a meeting and therefore adding to the ‘Businessman Image'. The advert contains a typical stereotype image of a man and I think that he dresses like this so that a man will buy the aftershave because he will think that it will make him rich and successful. If this is not the case and the mans wife or girlfriend is buying him a present she may buy this because her sub-conscious will tell her that her man will end up looking like the model in the advert. In the same way that men are used solely in advertisements, women are also used in order to sell products to males using sex appeal or to sell products to women through a sub-conscious method. In an advert for ‘Hot Choc Drinks' an attractive woman is dressed in red and has a slim figure and this is another example of stereotyping. The reason that the woman is dressed in red is to attract the customers' attention and the colour red is good at doing this. The attractive face and slim figure suggests to other women that if they drink ‘Hot Choc' they too will get a body like the model, which unfortunately is untrue. To a male buyer it suggests to his sub-conscious that he will be likely to encounter girls like the model. The cup in the model's hand is the same shape as her body to remind the customer of what's in store in the unlikely event that they will forget. After looking at the five different adverts I have decided that companies use different types of models and stereotype these models to grab the customers attention or to act on their sub-conscious, which will hopefully result in an increase in sales. Nowadays most advertisements are shown on television and here are two examples showing how television also uses stereotyping. The Yorkie advert has a slogan, which states, ‘Yorkie; it's not for girls.' This shows that the chocolate is so big and chunky that it is only for men. The idea of the big chunks of chocolate suggests that women are too small and weak to handle this. It may be also portraying the same message as in the ‘Hot Chocs' advertisement meaning that women are not allowed it because it will cause them to become fat and unattractive. During the adverts a women dresses as a man in order to purchase the chocolate, she wears male clothing and a fake beard as it would be extraordinary for a woman to have so much facial hair. The woman also speaks in a deep voice so that the shop owner does not realise because women are expected to talk in a soft voice and doing so would give her game away. This is an example of sexual stereotyping saying that men have facial hair and speak in deep voices, which may not always be the case. Towards the end of the advertisement the women's real identity is revealed which is another example of sexual stereotypes. The second television advertisement that I have chosen is advertising an insurance company, which is just for women. The company says the if you chance your insurance to them it could be cheaper because it is just for women. This brings across a stereotypical image that males, young and old, are dangerous drivers who push their car it its limits. This of cause is untrue and there, as just as many bad female drivers as there are bad male drivers. In the advertisement there is a women who is presenting the information and the company logo contains the colour pink, these two points are significant if the company wants to keep with the idea that women are better drivers. The reason for this is that the people who are watching the advertisement will be getting the information from another women, which they will probably value more. Pink is a stereotypical colour which as always been associated with females of every age. Both of these advertisements express stereotypical images of men and women in completely different ways, but these are just a small selection of the many ways men and women are portrayed. The roles of men and women have changed considerably over time, but in peoples sub-conscious they appear to have stayed the same and therefore have also not changed in advertising. For example most males are portrayed most successful businessmen and nowadays women go to work rather than staying at home doing the housework.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on the Impact of Human Activities on Natural Hazards

Analytical Essay Sample on the Impact of Human Activities on Natural Hazards Natural hazards are naturally occurring phenomena that have disastrous impact on humanity. These phenomena had been in existence even before the advent of humanity. The hazardous dimension of these natural phenomena are in the context of the impact that such a phenomenon would have on human population in the area affected by that phenomenon. In this essay, the effect that human activity has on these natural hazards would be analyzed. Some human activities may be exacerbating the factors that cause the natural hazard, like the impact of excessive and unplanned logging on floods and droughts. In certain other cases the human activities may cause subsequent or supplementary hazards to a primary hazard event, like building dams in earthquake prone zones may lead to flash floods and landslides in the event of a rupture. A hazard can be defined as an event that has the potential to cause harm. This potential may be on account of its unexpected timing of occurrence or the actual intensity of the event itself. Human societies can withstand these events within a normal scale of occurrence. However, human societies become vulnerable when these events occur unexpectedly or are of an intensity or duration that falls beyond that normal scale (O’Hare and Rivas, 2005). Natural hazards can be broadly classified under the heads of geological, hydrological, climatic and diseases. This essay would limit its scope to analyzing causal relationships, if any, of human activities on landslides, floods and drought and the secondary hazards triggered by those activities in the event of an earthquake. Of all human activities that have a direct or indirect impact on natural hazards, deforestation is by far the most significant. Deforestation is the removal or destruction of forest cover of an area. It may occur due to unscientific logging practices without regeneration and may be accompanied by subsequent conversion to non-forest usage like agriculture, pasture, urban, mining or industrial development, fallow or wetland. At a very broad level, it has been argued that deforestation is a major cause of global climatic changes. It has been predicted that removal of forest cover will lead to violent and unpredictable environmental fluctuations. At a smaller landscape, deforestation has a direct bearing upon the climatic, hydrological, edaphic and biological aspects of that area. Deforestation is associated with higher levels of soil erosion and landslides, sedimentation in river beds and changes in fluvial geomorphology (Haigh, 1984). Quite a few of these effects of deforestation have a direct bearing on the natural hazards that will be covered in this essay. One of the major functions of a forest is to maintain the humidity level in the atmosphere. Trees withdraw groundwater through their roots and transpire the excess water through their leaves. Forests return a major part of the rainfall received by them through evapotranspiration. Annual evapotranspiration in tropical moist lowland forests ranges up to 1500 mm per year, with transpiration accounting for a maximum of 1045 mm per year (Bruijnzeel, 1990). This process of evapotranspiration in the leaves of trees takes the latent heat of evaporation from the surrounding atmosphere. Thus evapotranspiration has a cooling effect on the atmosphere that aids precipitation. Deforestation denies the atmosphere of this cooling effect and is thus a contributing factor to lowering of annual rainfall in an area. Further, the effects of deforestation generally compound the severity of drought. Lack of trees translates to the lack of root fibers that hold the topsoil. In the event of a drought, the topsoil flakes and gets blown by the wind, leading to severe dust storms. This phenomenon had devastated the American Great Plains for close to a decade in 1930s. The dust bowl covered farming areas in Colorado, Kansas, north west Oklahoma, north Texas and north east New Mexico. The fertile soil of the plains was exposed due to lack of vegetation cover and actions of the plow. These farming techniques that led to severe soil erosion, coupled with prolonged periods of extremely low rainfall, led to a series of severe dust storms that ranged up to the Atlantic coast. Much of the fertile topsoil was lost in the Atlantic (Cartensen et al., 1999). Direct causal relationship between human activity and drought is yet to be conclusively established. However, there are studies available that point to a positive correlation between the two. For example, climate-modeling studies have indicated that the 20th century Sahel drought was caused by changing sea surface temperatures. These changes were due to a combination of natural variability and human induced atmospheric changes. The anthropogenic factors in this case were rise in greenhouse gas levels and aerosols (GFDL Climate Modeling Research Highlights, 2007). The effect of human activities like deforestation is rather more direct and pronounced in case of hydrological hazards like fluvial floods. Fluvial floods occur when the discharge of a river exceeds its bankfull capacity. Forests create deep, open textured soils that can hold large quantities of water. When the forest cover is removed through logging, the soil becomes compacted. More rainwater is converted to runoff or near surface flow and less proportion percolates as groundwater. Research has shown significant increase in monthly runoff following logging activities (Rahim and Harding, 1993). The runoff rainwater carries with it considerable amounts of loose soil particles. Removal of vegetation cover through excessive logging activities or overgrazing leaves the soil bare. In such a situation, the upper layer of the soils becomes susceptible to erosion by surface runoff. These suspended soil particles are deposited on the riverbeds. The effect of this type of soil erosion by surface runoff is even more pronounced when the deforestation happens in the riparian zones as well. With time, this sedimentation decreases the depth of the riverbed and, thereby, the water carrying capacity of that river. When the flow of water in the river increases due to a variety of reasons like rainfall, seasonal melting of ice etc, that river can no longer contain the flow within its channel due to reduced drainage efficiency. This excess water inundates adjoining areas causing floods. The effect of soil erosion and subsequent sedimentation of the riverbeds enhances both the occurrences of floods and the area affected by floods. The impact of deforestation driven soil erosion is particularly severe in mountainous terrain. In the western Himalayas, comparison of bedload sediments trapped from parallel streams found that the sediment loads from undisturbed forest were five-seven times smaller than from deforested areas covered by grass and scrub. Deforested areas had a much smaller depth of soil and in many places large patches of underlying bedrock had become exposed ( Haigh et al., 1998). The result of this type of soil erosion on floods is amply demonstrated in the river systems in peninsular Malaysia. Malaysia is located in the equatorial belt and receives very heavy rainfall throughout the year. Peninsular Malaysia has a dense river network. The largest of around one hundred river systems is the Pahang. The runoff along exposed hillsides on the upper courses of the rivers lead to heavy soil erosion and major silting in the lower courses. Peninsular Malaysia has a major tin mining industry and disposal of unwanted tin mining tailings in watercourses has greatly accentuated the silting process. This has majorly worsened the flood situation, both in terms of inundation area and duration of flooding. The effect is particularly severe in Perak and Selangor (Chan and Parker, 1996). The type of natural hazard that is most closely linked to human activity is the landslide. A landslide can be defined as the movement of a mass of rock, soil or debris downward a slope. These occur on steep slopes of hilly terrains that demonstrate certain inherent factors like susceptible rock structure, weak material or slope form. The preparatory factors actively produce the changes that make slopes more vulnerable to a slide, without actually causing it. Some preparatory factor may ultimately become the triggering factor and start the landslide. In some other cases, geological or climatic events like earthquakes or rainstorms initiate the movement. Human activities cause some of the more widespread preparatory factors. Removal of forest cover from mountain slopes deprives the soil of the binding force of the roots of vegetation, thereby making it more vulnerable. Removal of the toe of the slope renders the mass above, unstable. This is because the lateral buttressing support for the bulk of the slope that lies on top of the excavated area is removed. Human activities like building of roads or quarrying of minerals are responsible for this type of preparatory factor. In many cases, human settlement on the slopes alters the original surface drainage of that area, eventually rendering it hydrologically unstable. The effects of human activity in the preparatory factors of a landslide were demonstrated in the landslide at Abbotsford, South Island, New Zealand on 8th August 1979. Deforestation, quarrying and modification of surface drainage further endangered the geologically unstable slope. Heavy rainfall and leakage from city water supply pipeline finally triggered the massive landslide (Pacione, 1999). Human activity like construction of roads can have a major impact on the vulnerability of a mountain slope. For example, the Indian Central Himalayas have seen major increase in road construction activities after the war with China in 1962. Many of these roads are poorly designed and constructed. This has dramatically increased in the occurrences of landslides in the region (Ives, 2004). Human intervention on the natural drainage of a slope as a major contributing factor to a landslide is amply demonstrated in the multiple occurrences of landslides on the hill slopes of La Paz city in Bolivia. La Paz region has considerable human settlements that are on unconsolidated slopes. These slopes are frequently wetted to saturation and forced to move. Some of these factors are natural, like seasonal convective showers of high intensity, flooding of lowers slopes by the rivers and streams draining that rainfall and water seepage from fluctuating water tables of adjoining lake Titicaca basin. However, the water saturation of the slopes is exacerbated by the human settlement on the slopes. Much of such settlements are unplanned, self-help housing that have no access to public sanitation and drainage systems. Waste water from such houses are drained directly on to the slopes. These factors have led to repeated landslides in the La Paz region in the past (O’Hare and Rivas, 2005). Another type of mass movement that is seen in plain areas is subsidence. Subsidence is vertical sinking of materials. In many unplanned cities, the city has sprawled into areas not covered by municipal water distribution network and indiscriminate ground water usage through bore wells have severely depleted water tables. In some cities like Mexico and Bangkok, the drained soil has compacted, leading to subsidence. In some other regions like the Raniganj – Jharia coal belt in India, improper mining excavations and inappropriate filling of excavated tunnels have led to widespread subsidence. In certain cases, though human activity does not cause a natural hazard, it may lead to secondary hazard events subsequent to the occurrence of a primary hazard. A case in point is the building of a very high multipurpose dam at Tehri in the Himalayan region in India that may be susceptible to seismic activity. In the eventuality of an earthquake and subsequent rupture of such a high dam, a tremendous flash flood is inevitable on the lower courses of the river, accompanied by major landslides as well (Ives, 2004). Thus, it can be concluded that human activities have some impact on occurrence of natural hazards. For some hazards like landslides and subsidence, there is direct, causal relationship between human activity and hazard occurrence. In some other cases like drought and floods, unscientific and unplanned exploitation of natural resources exacerbate natural hazards. In yet other cases, human activity compounds the effect of a natural hazard by triggering other hazard events that follow.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Writing in the Electronic Age essays

Writing in the Electronic Age essays Although Lev Manovich presents several relevant issues in his essay, his work was utterly impossible to understand. After days of blank stares at incomprehensible words, I finally had a breakthrough. Could he be discussing databases in relation to our everyday lives and new media? That is exactly what he is saying, just in ten pages longer than it really had to be. In the first few dozen pages of his work, Manovich discusses narrative style. Narrative style tends to be a linear, or chronological, way of explaining an event or process. Typically this is done orally in the form of a story. Narrative style is syntagmatic, or following a natural order. The story is easy to understand and normally is arranged chronologically. For example, when someone is describing their day, they would explain the highlights in chronological order using narrative style. Another way Manovich thinks we present information is by the use of database. He defines databases as a structured collection of data. Databases can be linear or non-linear. Simply put they are files of information stored in a computer. The information is easily retrievable, but is not in chronological order. Instead it is situated using paradegmatic form, which is organization into natural categories. For example, if a database were used to organize my life story, there would be individual files for my birth, childhood, public schooling, and college. Of course more would be added as my life went on. There are few similarities between narrative and database forms. They both communicate to the reader, or viewer, with words or images and try to, as Lev Manovich states, "make meaning out of the world." Being competitors they tend to contrast each other in many aspects while fighting for dominance in the field. Narratives follow a certain order, usually linear, and have explainable reason behind that particular order. Databases have a random order, but all the individual files have so ...